From Coronavirus to Community Wealth
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From Coronavirus to Community Wealth
One year on from the publication of the DTNI charter for change and in the midst of a generational crisis, there is a pressing need to reflect on and refresh how we build inclusive local economies in Northern Ireland.
This week DTNI and Centre for Local Economic Strategies launch From Coronavirus to Community Wealth, a new report that provides practical and policy recommendations for the rebuilding of the post-COVID NI economy.
The infrastructure for CWB already exists – community development organisations across the region have for a long time been acquiring assets, developing business opportunities and leading on physical regeneration, and so establishing themselves as wealth-building anchors of their localities.
It is time to harness this energy and expertise by creating a compact between government and the community, voluntary & social enterprise sector to frame a new approach to economic development.
If we want ‘build back better’ to be more than a slogan, NI’s recovery from coronavirus should be shaped by the principles and driven by the practice of community wealth building.
Download From Coronavirus to Community Wealth: Building back better in Northern Ireland here.