Keeping Children Safe: Training for Staff and Volunteers (NB over two evenings, 28/5 and 29/5)
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Keeping Children Safe: Training for Staff and Volunteers (NB over two evenings, 28/5 and 29/5)
This certificated training course is suitable for staff and volunteers who have regular and/or direct contact with children and young people (e.g. supervisor, leader, officer in charge). It will assist staff and volunteers with meeting good practice standards in safeguarding children and young people.
It will cover:
- the legal and policy context of safeguarding children;
- what abuse is and what we know about abuse;
- procedures for reporting concerns;
- creating a safe, child centred environment; and
- code of behaviour for staff/volunteers and children/young people.
This training will be delivered in 2 parts:
Part 1 28 May 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Part 2 29 May 6.30pm – 9.30pm
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and are limited to a maximum of 3 per organisation.
This training programme is a suitable foundation for completing the Keeping Children Safe: Designated Officer Training.
Joining information will be sent out 24 hours before the session.
Alternatively, we can provide tailored training for your team (across Northern Ireland):
Click here for instructions on how to create a Training Account.
You can also view the Training FAQ’s here.