Do you know a young person leading change?
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Do you know a young person leading change?
Maybe that person is you? In partnership with UK Youth, Volunteering Matters, YouthLink Scotland and the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action, Volunteer Now is recruiting for our next cohort of ambassadors, ready to lead the movement of young people (10-25 years) driving change in their communities.
#iwill is a UK-wide movement helping more young people make a difference in their communities through social action. This includes activities like campaigning, fundraising, volunteering, befriending or mentoring. When young people take part in social action, everyone benefits. Young people benefit because they build their skills, confidence and wellbeing. Communities do too, because they are healthier, more cohesive and more integrated.
We’re looking for young people who know how good it feels to make a difference and want to share that with others. What matters is that you’re passionate about what you believe in and want to join with others to get your message out.
You can nominate a young person or if you are a young person you can apply yourself!! It’s easy to do and for more information visit:
Ben is one of our #iwill ambassadors and has raised thousands of pounds for local charities over the years and even got into the Guinness Book of World Records!!….

Tim has also been an #iWill Ambassador for the past 8 years: