Fionntain Murray
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Fionntain Murray
Age: 18
What inspired you to get involved?
I wanted to make a difference to the lives of children and adults in institutions.
What does your volunteering involve?
Attending weekly planning meetings. Fundraising events, we raised over £500 for the Romania trip.
Collecting dominations to take with us such as clothes and toys.
What skills or qualities are required for your volunteering role?
Working within a team environment. Organising fundraising events and the ability to interact with
people who have special needs.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering and what has been your highlight?
I enjoyed not only raising the money but being able to see how it was used in Romania and the impact
it has on peoples lives. It was a truly humbling experience.
Why would you encourage others to become a Millennium Volunteer and what advice would
you give them?
Yes, it gives young people official recognition for the work they do and the fun you have volunteering
is great!