Jamie Donnelly
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Jamie Donnelly
Age: 18
Where do you volunteer?
Saint Patricks Grammar School Armagh
How often do you volunteer?
2 hours + weekly
What inspired you to get involved?
I wanted to give something back to society and those less fortunate than myself.
What does your volunteering involve?
It is a cross community initiative to bring together different young people from Northern Ireland who
hail from different religious and cultural backgrounds. It involves weekly meetings and fundraising of
an excess of £500. We bring aid to hospitals and old peoples homes.
What skills or qualities are required for your volunteering role?
One must be able to communicate well with people from all walks of life and be able to fund raise. You
also have to have an outgoing personality.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering and what has been your highlight?
The preparation for the school aid Romania trip was enjoyable. Seeing the delight on the elderly and
youthful people brought joy to me. It was great being able to give back.
Why would you encourage others to become a Millennium Volunteer and what advice would
you give them?
Yes, I would most certainly recommend it to anyone; however I would encourage those involved to
keep an in depth log of hours.