Jump on Board
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Young and interested in Governance? Jump on Board was developed by a group of young people in Downpatrick who wanted to know more about how to form a committee so that they could steer their own group.
The Manual has been updated with the new Charity Commission guidance but takes young people through the roles, responsibilities and challenges of developing and managing a committee. Activities and role plays are included, along with a PowerPoint presentation, notes and guidance so that it can be delivered in house or we are happy to facilitate its delivery too.
Click here to download your copy of the Manual.
We have also developed a Toolkit to support young people (and their organisations) who wish to develop a youth forum. The Toolkit is geared towards a younger age group than the Manual above but hopefully is a good resource to support young volunteers as they embrace decision making and governance roles.
Click here to download the Toolkit.
For any further information please contact youth@volunteernow.co.uk